• Intro (5 min)
• Co je to Pulumi a jak ho v Mews integrujeme (45 minút)
• Infrastructure as a code pomocou Bicep (45 minút)
• Diskuzia (10 - 30 minút)
• Kvíz (5 min)
Viac na: https://www.meetup.com/NET-Bratislava-Meetup/events/281999529/
• Intro (5 min)
• Co je to Pulumi a jak ho v Mews integrujeme (45 minút)
• Infrastructure as a code pomocou Bicep (45 minút)
• Diskuzia (10 - 30 minút)
• Kvíz (5 min)
Viac na: https://www.meetup.com/NET-Bratislava-Meetup/events/281999529/